CSF Security – Check cPanel php for register_globals – [WHM Settings Check]

Este WARNING lo da el CSF al comprobar la seguridad del Servidor.

Seccion: WHM Settings Check

Razon: tener activado el Register_globals (Registro de variables Globales) es un riesgo en la seguridad del server, por eso recomiendan desactivarlo.

Check cPanel php for register_globals WARNING PHP register_globals is considered a high security risk. You should disable WHM > Tweak Settings > cPanel PHP Register Globals (disabling may break 3rd party PHP cPanel apps)

1. Para Solucionarlo debemos ir a :

2. Una vez ahi debemos buscar la siguiente linea en la seccion PHP:

cPanel PHP Register Globals (Off [unchecked] is recommended for security reasons)

3. Quitamos el Check (desmarcar) y damos click en SAVE

4. Esperamos a que nos salga un mensaje como el siguiente y LISTO !!!

Tweak Settings
Your changes have been saved.

Restarting cPanel daemons ... Done
Updating your system to reflect any changes ...
Updating "cPanel PHP Register Globals (Off [unchecked] is recommended for security reasons)" from "1" to "0".
Using php Loader: IonCubeLoader
Updating md5sum list
Fetching http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/cpanelsync/easy/targz.yaml (0)....@
Installing IonCubeLoader
Determining PHP version
Installing IonCube Loader binaries
Activating IonCube Loader extension in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/php.ini
Failed to activate IonCube Loader in php.ini
"cPanel PHP Register Globals (Off [unchecked] is recommended for security reasons)" was updated.

5. Entramos de nuevo en el CSF y luego en Check Server Security y deberia aparecernos un OK asi:

Check cPanel php for register_globals OK                         

Terminos de Busqueda:

  • cambiar register_globals en cpanel
  • configurar Security & Firewall - csf para ataques ddos
  • register globals whm
  • register_globals riesgos